
OilTest — Test and profile function implementations.


void        (*OilTestFunction)              (OilTest *test);
#define     OIL_TEST_HEADER
#define     OIL_TEST_FOOTER
OilTest*    oil_test_new                    (OilFunctionClass *klass);
void        oil_test_init                   (OilTest *test);
void        oil_test_free                   (OilTest *test);
void        oil_test_set_iterations         (OilTest *test,
                                             int iterations);
void        oil_test_check_ref              (OilTest *test);
int         oil_test_check_impl             (OilTest *test,
                                             OilFunctionImpl *impl);
void        oil_test_cleanup                (OilTest *test);




typedef struct {
} OilTest;

An opaque structure describing how to test an OilFunctionImpl for an OilFunctionClass.

OilTestFunction ()

void        (*OilTestFunction)              (OilTest *test);

Typedef for functions that initialize special values in source arrays for a particular function class.

test : the OilTest structure


#define OIL_TEST_HEADER 256

Number of bytes that are prepended to the array test area.


#define OIL_TEST_FOOTER 256

Number of bytes that are appended to the array test area.

oil_test_new ()

OilTest*    oil_test_new                    (OilFunctionClass *klass);

Creates a new OilTest for the OilFunctionClass represented by klass.

klass : an OilFunctionClass
Returns : the new OilTest

oil_test_init ()

void        oil_test_init                   (OilTest *test);

Intializes test.

FIXME: needs work

test : the OilTest

oil_test_free ()

void        oil_test_free                   (OilTest *test);

Frees memory associated with test.

test : the OilTest

oil_test_set_iterations ()

void        oil_test_set_iterations         (OilTest *test,
                                             int iterations);

Sets the number of iterations of test to iterations.

test : the OilTest
iterations : the number of iterations

oil_test_check_ref ()

void        oil_test_check_ref              (OilTest *test);

Runs the test specified by test on the reference function of the class being tested.

test : the OilTest

oil_test_check_impl ()

int         oil_test_check_impl             (OilTest *test,
                                             OilFunctionImpl *impl);

Runs the testing procedure described by test on the implementation impl.

test : the OilTest
impl : an OilFunctionImpl
Returns : 1 if impl passes the test, 0 if it fails

oil_test_cleanup ()

void        oil_test_cleanup                (OilTest *test);

Cleans up test.

FIXME: needs work

test : the OilTest