
OilFunctionClass — Functions for manipulating function classes


#define     OIL_DECLARE_CLASS               (klass)
#define     OIL_DEFINE_CLASS_FULL           (klass, string, test)
#define     OIL_DEFINE_CLASS                (klass, string)
OilFunctionClass* oil_class_get_by_index    (int i);
OilFunctionClass* oil_class_get             (const char *class_name);
void        oil_class_optimize              (OilFunctionClass *klass);
int         oil_class_get_n_classes         (void);
void        oil_class_choose_by_name        (OilFunctionClass *klass,
                                             const char *name);
void        oil_class_register_impl_by_name (const char *klass_name,
                                             OilFunctionImpl *impl);
void        oil_class_register_impl         (OilFunctionClass *klass,
                                             OilFunctionImpl *impl);
void        oil_class_register_impl_full    (OilFunctionClass *klass,
                                             void (*func) (void),
                                             const char *name,
                                             unsigned int flags);




typedef struct {
} OilFunctionClass;

An opaque structure representing a function class.


#define     OIL_DECLARE_CLASS(klass)

Declares the Liboil function class klass.

klass : the name of a function class (without the oil_ prefix)


#define     OIL_DEFINE_CLASS_FULL(klass, string, test)

Defines a OilFunctionClass structure for klass. Classes defined this way will be automatically at Liboil initialization time.

klass : name of class to declare (without oil_ prefix)
string : prototype of class
test : test function


#define     OIL_DEFINE_CLASS(klass, string)

Defines a OilFunctionClass structure for klass. Classes defined this way will be automatically at Liboil initialization time.

klass : name of class to declare (without oil_ prefix)
string : prototype of class

oil_class_get_by_index ()

OilFunctionClass* oil_class_get_by_index    (int i);

Returns a pointer to the function class with index i.

i : index
Returns : an OilFunctionClass

oil_class_get ()

OilFunctionClass* oil_class_get             (const char *class_name);

Returns a pointer to the function class that has the given class name. If no such class is found, NULL is returned.

class_name : the name of the function class
Returns : a pointer to a function class

oil_class_optimize ()

void        oil_class_optimize              (OilFunctionClass *klass);

Tests and profiles each implementation for the given function class. Testing compares the output of running each implementation on random input against the reference implementation for the same input.

klass : a function class

oil_class_get_n_classes ()

int         oil_class_get_n_classes         (void);

Returns the number of function classes.

Returns : the number of function classes

oil_class_choose_by_name ()

void        oil_class_choose_by_name        (OilFunctionClass *klass,
                                             const char *name);

Sets the chosen implementation for the given function class to the implementation with the given name. If no implementation having the given name is found, the chosen implementation is not changed.

klass : a function class
name : the name of an implementation

oil_class_register_impl_by_name ()

void        oil_class_register_impl_by_name (const char *klass_name,
                                             OilFunctionImpl *impl);

Adds impl to the list of implementations associated with the function class given by klass_name.

klass_name : the name of the class
impl : an implementation

oil_class_register_impl ()

void        oil_class_register_impl         (OilFunctionClass *klass,
                                             OilFunctionImpl *impl);

Adds impl to the list of implementations associated with the function class given by klass.

klass : the class
impl : an implementation

oil_class_register_impl_full ()

void        oil_class_register_impl_full    (OilFunctionClass *klass,
                                             void (*func) (void),
                                             const char *name,
                                             unsigned int flags);

Adds func to the list of implementations associated with the function class given by klass.

klass : the class
func : the function
name : name of the function
flags : CPU flags