Liboil Unstable API

Intialization - Initialization functions
CPU - Check the capabilities of the current CPU
Debug - Printing and formatting debug information
OilFunctionClass - Functions for manipulating function classes
OilFunctionImpl - Functions for manipulating function implementations.
OilParameter - Functions to manipulate prototype parameter information.
OilProfile - Measuring the length of time needed to execute Liboil functions.
OilPrototype - Functions to manipulate prototype information.
Random Number Generation - Random number generation
OilTest - Test and profile function implementations.
liboiltypes - Internal Liboil types
Macros - Macros
liboiljunk -

These functions are part of the unstable API, and may change between releases in the 0.3 series. These functions should not be used by applications. Some of this functionality may be moved to the stable API during the 0.3 series.